Monday, February 07, 2005

Scrapbook goals

What was the goal you decided for your scrapbooking this year? Last year my goal was 100 pages and to get my scrapbook room clean. I got 67 pages completed and felt great about that. So, I will shoot again for 100 this year. I have 5 done so far. Need roughly 8.5 pages completed a month to hit that goal. Will be very do-able if I keep up on it right now. The scrapbook room is another story. I cleaned it out twice last year and it's still a wreck! It's the extra bedroom and we don't have a garage. So, you know where everything that doesn't have a home get's put. My goal is to get one layout completed in that room this year. It would be heaven to use my long counter and just be able to leave my projects out to work on when I get time here and there. I'll work on it again tomorrow. lol It's time to call the goodwill to come and do a pick-up. Get this stuff out of my scrapbook room.

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