Friday, January 07, 2005


Well, I have just a ton of inventory and I had no idea it was so great! And I do mean great cause if you've been to one of my crops then you are lucky enough to go through it all. lol I have grouped all my Sweetwater products together and will be adding it very soon. I can't believe how much paper I have collected. I'm excited to get it loaded onto the site and then also get it added into some kits. It is such beautiful paper and almost has a primitive scrapbook look to it for all of those that love prim. I have 3 monthly kits available with papers and embellishments from this company. The grand ($30), general ($20), and the mini($10) size kits. The grand kit comes with over 36 patterned papers alone. These ship on the 20th of the month and credit cards are charged on the 10th.

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